System development Business

System development business

Realizing a digital society and innovation creation

In the system development business, we have been leading Japan's "digital shift" by providing services such as system development including nearshore development, IoT solutions, embedded software solutions, and IT infrastructure construction to various business fields such as distribution, manufacturing, SIer, and local governments.

Business domain

  • Application development
  • Sales of system-related products
  • System development for finance and life insurance
  • IT infrastructure construction
  • Software development
  • Nearshore development
  • Web/video solutions
  • IoT solution

Value provided by our business

  • Promotion of DX
  • Value creation through IoT

Growth strategy

Leading Japan's "digital shift"  by providing convenience, comfort, and creating new value to stakeholders, and contributing to the community and society through new technologies such as IT and IoT.

  • Development and sales expansion of new products
  • Continue to expand sales of IoT services in ASEAN and build a profitable system
  • Strengthening the system (nearshore lab/SES business expansion, human resource development, area expansion)
  • We have hired full-time sales personnel to expand our business in the Gunma and Nagano areas, where we have developed the Niigata business model (nearshore business).