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SAAF Holdings Co., Ltd.

Representative Director

Toshimori Mae

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Contributing to society as a professional group

In the environment surrounding our company, the information systems industry, one of our core businesses, continued to move away from legacy systems and shift to digital transformation in society, and IT investment continued to be strong. In the construction industry, which is another core business, the number of new housing starts in FY2022 declined by 0.6% from the previous fiscal due to concerns about rising mortgage interest rates and soaring prices of housing materials, which was a turn from previous year's increase to a decline.

Under such an environment, our group has worked to further improve our corporate value by increasing the profits of each group company, reorganizing its business toward "selection and concentration," and stabilizing its financial base based on its three-year medium-term management plan starting from the fiscal year ended March 2023.
As a result, our group's consolidated results for the fiscal year ended March 2023 were approximately JPY 30.5 billion in sales (116% compared to the previous fiscal year) and approximately JPY  740 million in operating profit (310% compared to the previous fiscal year) in which we could achieve the highest profit ever and get off to a good start in the first year of our medium-term management plan.

For years to come, our group aims to become a "social problem-solving company" with the goal of efficiently and effectively increasing the added value of social infrastructure and contributing to society through ICT technology and DX and actively invests in our core businesses, which are consulting business, system development business, human resources business, and ground investigation and improvement business and will continue to take on the challenge of creating new value by establishing new businesses that are expected to have synergistic effects with our core businesses and promoting research and development of new technologies.

Our group has a corporate culture in which people broaden their horizons as individuals through the company and boldly take on challenges to achieve their goals without fear of failure. Each employee has the ambition and goal to contribute to society, takes on challenges through work, grows, realizes the spiritual and material wealth of our employees by achieving goals and aims to make life a happy one. The entire company will work together to continuously improve corporate value so that the challenges and growth of all of us will accelerate the development of our group and lead to the realization of an even more prosperous society.

We appreciate your continued understanding, support, and patronage.

SAAF Holdings Co., Ltd. Representative Director
Toshimori Mae

Mae Toshimori