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  • Officer profile Officer profile
  • Officer profile Officer profile

Chikako Morimoto

Independent Director

Career Summary

1993Joined Recruit Human Resources Center Co., Ltd. (currently Recruit Co., Ltd.)
2012Transferred to Recruit Executive Agent Co., Ltd.
2014Appointed as a Director of NPO After School (nonprofit organization) (current position)
2017Appointed as a Director of Social Investment Partners (general incorporated association)(current position)
2017Established morich Co., Ltd. and appointed as Representative Director (current position)
2019Established morich-To Co., Ltd. and appointed as Representative Director (current position)
2020Appointed as an Outside Director of Bewin Co., Ltd.
2020Appointed as a Director of Natural Cultivation Association (general incorporated association)
2021Appointed as a Director of Shizuoka Prefecture Rugby Football Association (general incorporated association) (current position)
2021Appointed as an Outside Director of Hero Producer Co., Ltd. (current position)
2021Appointed as an Outside Director of Four Seas HD Co., Ltd.
2022Appointed as an Outside Director of SHE Co., Ltd. (current position)SHE株式会社社外取締役就任(現)
2022Appointed as an Outside Director of COCOO CORP. (current position)
2022Appointed as a Diector of AGBIOTECH Co., Ltd.
2022Established and morich Co., Ltd and appointed as Representative Director (current position)
2023Appointed as an Outside Director of ITbook Holdings Co., Ltd. (current position)
2023Appointed as a Director of Advanced Technology Co., Ltd. (current position)